AI algorithms assisting pathologists

  • A user-friendly interface
  • Quick load and result predictions
  • Multiple algorithms are available
  • Multiple areas on the slide can be predicted
  • Multi approved users can access the algorithm data

To know commonly asked questions about PathAssist please refer to FAQs section.


We have use cases for PathAssist please visit the Case Study section for details

​Case Studies

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PathAssist can assist pathology in many ways, schedule a call today.

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Commonly asked questions regarding PathAssist

PathAssist is a smart AI engine to make digital pathology reporting easy and convenient. We have a listed some common questions related to PathAssist.

Interesting and important questions for PathAssist

PathAssist allows the user to choose from a list of multiple algorithms to run according to the type of organ, tumor site as well as the specific marker being reported.
Yes, it can run multiple algorithms simultaneously but we recommend to run in sequence as it will affect the speed of result generation
Pricing mechanism is flexible and can be subscription-based or pay per use case or any other way our partner proposes
We have 6 algorithms available in research use. In addition, we have multiple algorithms under clinical trial and on completion, these will become available for use in diagnostic workflow.
Yes, the PathFlow workflow application is flexible to incorporate third-party AI algorithms and allows integration based on user requirements.
It depends upon many factors like image size, resolution, area of region of interest etc.